Carbon steel (not stainless)

Carbon steel is characterized by highest sharpness and stability .
The following steels are perfect for blades and the production of Damascus steel.
The various special features can be found in the respective steel.

A lot of information about knifesteel please visit the servicecenter at "all about steel".
Tipp for Damascus-combination: 1.2842 + 1.2235 + 75Ni8 is easy to weld, resulting in a very stable blade with maximum sharpness, edge retention and a hardness of approximately 62HRC. This combination we also use in the Damascus forging courses.

SKU: 1001575
SKU: 139
SKU: 1726
SKU: 577
SKU: 1158
SKU: 153
SKU: 1908
SKU: 133
SKU: 135