Mosaicpins & rivets

Beautiful Mosaicpins and Rivets for knive handles

We offer a large bandwidth of different mosaic pins and rivets for knife handles

For attaching handles the tang of the knife blade, grip rivets, or screw rivets are perfect to use . We recommend you to use for your handles pins made ??of stainless steel , carbon or our mosaic pins to pin them and stick them together with 2k epoxy. Thus, you avoid a gap between blade and handle scales in the otherwise moisture could penetrate . The Griffpins not be " riveted " since this could result from the interaction Diving cracks inside the handle.

- special handle material from all over the world
- selected pieces 
- intensive grain
- 100% legal
-ideal use for further processing
- high quality material

SKU: 062
SKU: 064
SKU: 065
SKU: 066
SKU: 068
SKU: 070